
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Denali to McKinley Princess Lodge

In the afternoon we boarded our bus and took a 2 1/4 hour (112 miles) drive from Denali to McKinley. The scenery was beautiful!

We were lucky that the weather was so nice we were able to see Mt. McKinley (Denali) clearly. The bus driver stopped by the roadside for us to take pictures. We were told that only 30% of all visitors got a chance to see Mt. McKinley.

Arrived at the McKinley Princess Lodge. The mountain was still in full view.

The bathroom of our room.

After settling in we took a walk around the grounds. They have walking trails but some of the trails were closed because of sightings of animals.

On the deck outside the main lodge. So relaxing just sitting there admiring the mountains.

Dinner was at the Bear Bar at the main lodge. A little cheaper than the other restaurants but still have the same beautiful views.

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