
It all started here...

It all started here...

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, Victoria

Wine Country Coastal Cruise on Discovery Princess 
May 3, 2024 - Friday Victoria, B.C., Canada

Victoria was our last port of call on this cruise. We have been here three times during this past year already so there is not much else we wanted to see. The only place we have never been to was the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. Our goal for this day was to get there and see if we can take a look inside.

Sailing past Salish Sea (Strait of Juan de Fuca) where we could see the majestic Mt. Olympus of Olympic National Park.

Arrived at Ogden Point Pier in Victoria.

After another delicious breakfast at the Juneau dining room, we were ready to explore.

Excellent weather, albeit a little chilly.

Must stop for a photo shoot. 

We just leisurely walked from port to downtown. It was very pretty and an easy walk.

Assembly building from the side street (Menzies Street).

Stately building

Even though the front entrance was closed, we went up and asked the female guard standing there and she opened the door to let us inside. Everyone working there was courteous and welcoming. After getting through security, we were able to explore on our own. Free admission.

We spent about an hour in there without rushing through. It was good that it wasn't crowded and we were able to find things to check out on our own.

Beautiful flowers at the Empress Hotel.

Such vivid colors!

We strolled along Government Street a little, then walked back to port with a stop at Fisherman's Wharf. I surprised myself that I did not take any photos at Fisherman's Wharf. Oh well... Oh, but we did have that captured in the video.

Last dinner on board.

What a wonderful meal to end this sailing! We actually arrived Vancouver at around 11:00PM that evening but we did not get off the ship until the next morning.

For video of this day, please visit here.

"Give us today our daily bread."  -- Mathew 6:11


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